Everything about Marilyn Monroe vs Bettie Page

També el 1953 és elegida com "l'actriu més preferred de l'any" per la revista Photoplay i el diari dels empresaris la nomena a més la "diva d'un rendiment comercial més gran"; aquest darrer reconeixement el rebria successivament el 1954 i el 1956. The true secret to Page’s glance wasn’t in that it absolutely was overtly purposeful;

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Dredd Movie Review

While the Judge Dredd movie from 1995 may have gone down in movie history as one of the most spectacular bombs of the last few decades, the source material was rich enough and the fans loud enough that another movie based on the universe was made.. Dredd. They aimed to stick a lot closer to the source material this time around, but there was a pr

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Brainscan Movie Review

Video games and horror.. it's almost like peanut butter and jelly.. THAT KILLS YOU. Or, that might make a better movie as I'm still searching for the "killer video game" horror flick that holds up today. Brainscan takes a stab at the science fiction movies genre, with a heavy influence from the 90s fear of ultraviolent entertainment leading direc

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ZombeX Movie Review

Getting back into the swing of "whatever I feel like" why not pick up a bargain bin indie zombie horror film? Well.. for one thing, it's been a while since that strategy has really worked out well for me... but surely ZombeX will be the cure! ...no? No, it's still astonishingly (blog post) bad? Oh well...Source: ZombeX Movie Review - Decker Shado

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Cypher Movie Review

Another film attempting to make a profit off of the popularity of The Matrix, Cypher was a Miramax funded low budget espionage film from 2002. How does that make it a Matrix rip-off? Well, it doesn't really. Technology is a huge part of the world, but because of the low budget that's mostly behind the scenes. On the surface, it's (blog post) all

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